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    • 主演:索伦·莫灵 波笛·约根森 克里斯蒂安·塔夫德鲁普 埃利奥特·克罗赛特·霍夫 
    • 导演:克里斯蒂安·塔夫德鲁普 
    • 分类:剧情
    • 地区:丹麦
    • 年份:2016
    • 更新:2023-11-19 04:30:22
    • 简介:When their son, Esben, moves out, Kjeld and Vibeke decide to relocate to a smaller home. They discover that the apartment they lived in back when they were students, is up for sale and agree to buy it and make a new start. Kjeld furnishes the apartment the way it was furnished back then, and for a while the two relive their sweet days of youth. But events take a turn neither of them had expected, when they wake up one morning, and find that they are actually thirty years younger. Written by Christian Tafdrup


    • 主演:Morten Burian Sidsel Siem Koch Fedja van Huêt Karina Smulders 
    • 导演:克里斯蒂安·塔夫德鲁普 
    • 分类:恐怖
    • 地区:丹麦
    • 年份:2021
    • 更新:2023-06-23 16:03:50
    • 简介:“Speak No Evil,” directed by actor-turned-helmer Christian Tafdrup, follows a Danish family who befriends a Dutch family while on vacation in Toscana. Months later, the Danish couple goes to visit the Dutch for the weekend and find themselves trapped in the Dutch family’s wooden house.

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