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    • 当前第 32 页

    一善之差 第二季


    昭雪 第一季


    真相的负担 第一季


    罪恶黑名单 第五季


    周六夜现场 第三十三季

    • 主演:···· 
    • 导演:Don Roy King 
    • 分类:欧美综艺
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:2007
    • 更新:2022-11-25 13:42:33
    • 简介:Saturday Night Live aired its thirty-third season, during the 2007–2008 television season on NBC.Because of the 2007–08 Writers Guild of America strike, there were only 12 episodes produced in this season instead of the usual 20 (with 4 consecutive episodes made between February 23 and March 15), making this the shortest season in the series run and beating out both the sixth (1980–1981) season and the thirteenth (1987–1988) season, which had thirteen episodes. This is also the only season in SNL history not to have a new Christmas episode, since the WGA strike spanned from November 2007 to February 2008.No changes to the cast happened over the summer and everyone from last season returned. During the strike, long-time castmember Maya Rudolph left the show, as she had no contract with SNL that year. Casey Wilson, an actress and writer who frequently performs at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater, was hired in January 2008 to fill the void, but due to the strike, did not appear on the show until they returned on February 23, 2008.On November 5, 2007, after the episode hosted by Brian Williams, the Writers Guild of America went on strike. It was announced that SNL would air its next episode on November 10, 2007 (with host The Rock and musical guest Amy Winehouse), live on air, with a future episode to follow, featuring Jonah Hill and musical guest Kid Rock. However, on November 7, 2007, SNL's official website confirmed that those episodes were canceled and reruns would be seen beginning November 10, and would continue during the duration of the strike. The Rock/Winehouse show was canceled, along with the Jonah Hill/Kid Rock episode (though Jonah Hill would get a second opportunity, when he hosted the March 15 episode, with musical guest Mariah Carey [filling in for a flu-stricken Janet Jackson] and The Rock would host next season, with musical guest Ray LaMontagne. Amy Winehouse would never get the chance to be a musical guest, host, or even cameo due to her death in 2011).During the strike on November 17, 2007, the cast of the show, along with host Michael Cera and musical guest Yo La Tengo performed an "episode" of the show entitled Saturday Night Live - On Strike! at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre (co-founded by cast member Amy Poehler) in New York City. Every cast member except for Maya Rudolph appeared, with former cast members Horatio Sanz and Rachel Dratch and musician Norah Jones making cameo appearances.[1]On February 12, 2008, the strike was announced to be officially over with a 92.5% vote. Production continued on February 18, 2008 for the February 23, 2008 episode, hosted by former SNL cast member Tina Fey with musical guest Carrie Underwood.This season also saw the death of the show's very first host: edian/actor George Carlin. A scheduled rerun of the episode hosted by Ellen Page was replaced with a rerun of the show's very first episode, which had Carlin as host and Janis Ian and Billy Preston as musical guests.

    开心汉堡店 第八季

    • 主演:H····· 
    • 导演:Ian HamiltonMauricio Pardo 
    • 分类:欧美动漫
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:2017
    • 更新:2022-11-25 13:04:20
    • 简介:“鲍勃汉堡店”的隔壁是一家带火葬场的殡仪馆;街道尽头是旅游码头;几个街区外是市属中学,Bob和Linda的孩子们就在那里读书;街对面是Bob的竞争对手JimmyPesto开设的披萨饼店,匹萨对汉堡的大战每天都在上演。鲍伯决定为早午餐和吉米.皮茨竞争,Belcher的孩子们帮助Fischoeder先生的弟弟躲避他。Bob Belcher在妻子和三个孩子的帮助下经营着家族餐馆「鲍勃汉堡店」。这是一家开了三代的小餐馆,规模不大,但是固定客人不少。Bob对汉堡、调味品和肋肉了如指掌,但是对客户服务和商业管理一窍不通。尽管他的柜台总是油腻腻的,店里总是声音嘈杂,食物偶尔质量不好,Bob坚信自己的汉堡「独具特色」,能够开创一个品牌。Bob Belcher(H. Jon Benjamin配音)在妻子和三个孩子的帮助下经营着家族餐馆「鲍勃汉堡店」。这是一家开了三代的小餐馆,规模不大,但是固定客人不少。Bob对汉堡、调味品和肋肉了如指掌,但是对客户服务和商业管理一窍不通。尽管他的柜台总是油腻腻的,店里总是声音嘈杂,食物偶尔质量不好,Bob坚信自己的汉堡「独具特色」,能够开创一个品牌。尽管生意不忙,但Bob的家人总是到店里来帮忙。不管发生什么情况,Bob的妻子Linda(John Roberts配音)一直支持丈夫实现理想。大女儿Tina(Dan Mintz配音)只有13岁,满脑子都是不切实际的浪漫,没有一点社交经验。排行老二的孩子Gene(Eugene Mirman配音)很有音乐潜力,他在店里传递的笑话远比汉堡包多。年纪最轻的Louis(Kristen Schaal扮演)对老爸的汉堡生意最热心。@www.23zzw.

    乐一通秀场 第二季

    • 主演:···· 
    • 导演:Seth KearsleyJeff Siergey····Mauricio Pardo· 
    • 分类:欧美动漫
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:2012
    • 更新:2022-11-25 13:04:03
    • 简介:兔八哥(Bugs Bunny)和达菲鸭(Daffy)又回来了!他们的模样没有改变,但是生活环境却有了翻天覆地的变化--对喜欢搞破坏和搞恶作剧的他们来说,现代社会的广阔天地大有作为!兔八哥还像以前一样厚颜无耻,爱挖苦人,做事总想抢先一步。而达菲鸭还是那么自我陶醉,愤世嫉俗,痴心妄想。达菲鸭是兔八哥永远的朋友,或者说……永远赖在他家不走的「客人」。在首集里,达菲鸭认为他和兔八哥一起参加电视游戏节目《Besties》一定能轻松弄到一笔钱。游戏很简单--两个好朋友互相提问,然后由对方作答。可一向只顾自己的达菲鸭很快发现他对兔八哥的情况一无所知!达菲鸭想对好友作出补偿,但情况变得更糟了……《群星总动员》(Looney Tunes)是一部历史悠久的动画片,最早于1930-1969年播出,后来又于1987-2006年成功复活。此次卡通频道新版《群星总动员》应该算第二次复活了(不包括大电影版)。以往每集只有7分钟,而卡通频道新版为全长集。

    冒险兄弟 第五季

    • 主演:···Doc Hammer 
    • 导演:Christopher McCullochDoc Hammer 
    • 分类:欧美动漫
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:2013
    • 更新:2022-11-25 13:03:44
    • 简介:The bizarre animated escapades of pseudo-heroic scientist Dr. Rusty Venture, his petent, high strung bodyguard, and his two over-enthusiastic sons.

    星蝶公主 第四季



    • 主演:Danny Aiello Anne Archer 安吉丽娜·朱莉 
    • 导演:Kevin Dowling 
    • 分类:喜剧
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:1996
    • 更新:2022-11-25 12:57:49
    • 简介:AlMcCord在他最喜爱的餐厅里遇上了一个年轻漂亮的女子。当时,这位女子想乘车去她妈妈的家---摩哈维沙漠。故事就在这里开始了,Al并不知道 Ellie已经爱上了他,但无论Julie的男朋友对Al如何百般刁难,他还是义无返顾地爱上了Ellie的妈妈,Archer。于是,更加离奇古怪的事 情相继发生了,Al的故事由此改写。在加州的沙漠,月亮的魔力令人放纵。一纽约来客被一对母女的艳色所吸引,尽情沉迷于爱欲中,但他不知大难将至,一个充满妒忌的暴力狂已在黑暗中眈视着他们…

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